New Member Journey


Care Management


After enrolling in a Care Coordination Organization, expect to hear often from your Care Manager/Care Coordinator. Your Care Manager/Care Coordinator will coordinate many different services and communicate with you regularly, ensuring you understand the terms, documents and process so you can make informed choices.


Within 30 Days

  • Your Care Manager/Care Coordinator will contact you within the first week of being assigned.
  • Care Manager/Care Coordinator conducts in-person, face-to-face meetings.
  • Documentation begins for the application for various service approvals.

Within 60 Days

  • Strengths and Needs Assessments are administered, which help identify appropriate supports.
  • Develop a plan of care with you and your Circle of Support, focused on your goals, necessary supports and services, and community resources, known as a Life Plan.

Within 90 Days

  • Life Plan finalized.
  • Care Manager/Care Coordinator reviews supports and services that will help you reach your desired outcomes.
  • Care Manager/Care Coordinator continues to manage the process for support approvals. Approval is not guaranteed.

After 90 Days Your Care Manager/Care Coordinator

  • Makes referrals to service providers and coordinates the services that have been approved.
  • Maintains contact with you and your supports at least once per month.
  • Requires face-to-face meetings based on needed supports.
  • Is available to help you accomplish your goals and work through challenges.
  • Schedules Life Plan review meetings minimally twice per year, or more often, should goals or needs change.


Your Care Manager/Care Coordinator and a team of supervisors will support you along the way! Never hesitate to call or email your Care Manager/Care Coordinator for support as needed.