Care Management
HCBS Waiver Services
Home and Community Based (HCBS) Waiver Services are offered through OPWDD and funded by Medicaid. You must be enrolled in Medicaid and the HCBS Waiver to apply for these services through OPWDD.
These services include:
Residential Habilitation (Res Hab): Support provided in OPWDD Certified Residences. Support can be provided 24/7 or at a lower level depending on your wants, needs, and goals.
Community Habilitation (Community Hab): A service provided in the community, aimed at promoting independence and community integration, while considering your individual needs, goals, and interests.
Day Habilitation (Day Hab): Services provided outside of the home with options to fit your wants, needs, and goals. Day Habilitation can be provided in a site-based setting, or in the community, also known as “without walls” (WOW), typically provided during normal business hours.
Employment Services: Includes Pathway to Employment, Pre-Vocational Services, and Supported Employment (SEMP). These services are aimed at preparing an individual for work, finding a job, and maintaining a job.
Respite: Available to individuals who reside with a primary caregiver and are not able to care for themselves. This support is not habilitative and is meant to provide temporary relief to the caregiver.
Assistive Technology/Adaptive Devices: An item, piece of equipment, or product system that is essential to habilitation, ability to function, or safety.
Environmental Modifications (Home Accessibility): Physical adaptations made to the home, necessary to ensure health and safety, while allowing for greater independence within the home.
Vehicle Modifications: Physical adaptations to your primary vehicle.
Family Education/Training: Focused training to support your family on a variety of topics.
Community Transition Services: Non-recurring financial service for transitioning from a certified residence to the community where you would be responsible for living expenses.
Self-Direction: Increased flexibility in choosing the supports and services that you desire, the staff that you choose to work with, and the schedule that best suits your needs, enabling you to live life the way you want, with more control and independence.