Care Management
Your Care Manager/Care Coordinator is here to support you as you transition through different stages and phases of life. Whether it is transitioning from school to employment, exploring housing options, or searching for community involvement, they are here to support you.
Important life transitions to remember:
Age 12+
- Review strength-based person-centered planning
- Explore community-based leisure or work-based learning opportunities
- Explore Social Security Income/Social Security Disability Insurance (SSI/SSDI) and Medicaid programs
Age 15
- Career and vocational assessments (annually)
- Parents’ notification: IEP incorporates transition services
- Transition services
- Work-related documents: social security card, birth certificate, work papers, ID (Before 21)
- Parental consent required for agency representation (Before 21)
- Develop post-school outcomes
- Develop IEP transition components, annual review update
- Consider if sex education services have been adequate
- Explore volunteer or employment opportunities
- Explore housing or residential opportunities
- Explore supportive community agencies or organizations
- Develop transportation or mobility strategies
- Develop annual career plan
- Explore upcoming changes in decision making
Age 18 and beyond
- Explore adult career, continuing education, vocational rehab, ACCESS-VR
- Develop IEP transition components, annual review and update
- Explore volunteer or employment opportunities
- Explore housing or residential opportunities
- Explore supportive community agencies or organizations
- Develop transportation or mobility challenges
- Explore guardianship, age of majority issues, and alternative
- Explore post-school opportunities, education, career, technical training, college
- Explore specialized drivers’ education training
- Apply college and other training programs (Before 21)
- Reapply for Social Security Income (SSI) as needed (Before 21)
- Explore work incentives
- Explore health insurance coverage
- Inform insurance company of disability status
- Explore health insurance rider to continue eligibility
- All males register for selective service
- Register to vote
- Explore alternatives to vocational programming prior to graduating high school
- Explore medical transitions such as adult primary care practitioners, dentist and specialists